
The Writing Process: Let It Not Be Forgotten

Over Christmas break, devoid of either college or work, I did what I had long forsworn, in part from self-perservation, to do: I wrote a piece of fanfiction. Now, it’s not the only fanfiction I’ve written (this poem is based

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Aesthetics as Guidance: Dangers and Benefits

In a deviation from my preferred modus operandi, I’ll be using the term ‘aesthetics’ under a definition I prefer not to. Whereas I’ve tended to define ‘aesthetic’ as ‘relating to beauty’ or ‘relating to coherence on all levels in reflection

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What is Poetry?

The difficulty of defining poetry is in drawing a line which keeps everything poetic on one side, everything prose on the other. It can’t be alliteration or rhyme or meter or syllabification, because for every one of those, I can

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