Those unfortunates who deal with politics have doubtless encountered the phrase ‘wrong side of history’ before, the idea that history has an arc and it bends towards, well, annihilation of Christianity. To oversimplify a few libraries worth of history books,
People are incredibly, ridiculously complex. Our characters? Not so much, not in comparison. The most complex character has perhaps a few years of cumulative thought-history in his author’s mind; he’s made out of generalizations and half-rejected ideas and a unique
(Part One) – (Part Two) Character description doesn’t stop with the character. We’ve looked at tone and how important details are and how expectations work, but that’s all been focused on the character and the character’s role. Character description has
(Part One) Think of the last really good novel you read. For me, I’m nearing the end of my third or fourth read-through of That Hideous Strength. Think about how different characters are introduced and described. It varies, does it
Describing characters seems really easy until you actually try to do it well. On the one hand, we can put the entire description (three paragraphs, each slightly under a page long) at the front, which would get everything on the