AI generated image of a bloody sword in a frosted forest with modified title text
Library, Poetry

A Creed of Bloodshed

In metal trust, you sons of men,
In weapons trust, warriors of blood,
For what else lives that men can love?
I’ve seen men kill and die like sheep,
I trust no man- I’ve tasted their love.
Savages who gnaw on savage’s flesh,
And I do not sin them, for I am such.
All bleed and die, all, though they run.
What creed lives but to die the last? 
Trust the bullet, men of blood, and die as men.
Men of blood die in blood,
And men who shed man’s blood, by man is their blood shed.
 The wicked fall when no man shoves; the wicked fall upon their selves,
With a knife and a gun and nothingness without Him.
How else can man live without His love?
Some men never bleed and never draw blood,
Some men watch and whisper to themselves,
Some men shake their heads, and pursue evil yet more.
How else can man live outside of His blessing?
A man bled, dead for a thousand deaths, a million lies,
a single sin; he was the crossroads between sin and God,
He who died a man for the sins of men,
The Son of Man, who bears the sins of the world.
The blood of a righteous man flowed down his body,
And the blood of the wicked will flow from his battleground.
Who is this who hastens from Bozrah?
Who is this whose habit is red,
Whose garments are as those of a man pressing grapes?
Who comes in righteousness from the rivers of Edom?
I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the tents, no one was with me; 
I trod them in my anger, and trampled them in my wrath; 
Their lifeblood spattered on my garments, and stained all my apparel. 
For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and my year of redemption was here.
I looked, but there was none to help; then
I was dismayed, but there was none to uphold me;
So my own arm brought me salvation, and my wrath
Upheld me. I trampled the tribes in my anger;
I made men drunk in my wrath,
And I poured out their lifeblood on the earth.” Praise the Lord; 
I will remember the steadfast love of the Lord

From a document last modified October 2022.

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