Some parts of life require more care than others to depict. Last week I covered the depiction of sins, particularly the lurid sins that make us wince: rape, adultery, murder, jaywalking. These sins, we concluded, are not wrong to write
Are there parts of life it is wrong to imitate in art? The question may rise in your mind when you’re writing a story and come to the part with the triple murder-suicide that ends in a catastrophic genocidal explosion,
Due to its c. 5500 word length, I’ve split this paper into three parts. This is Part Three of three (find One and Two here). Works Cited & and the full paper can be found here. The benefits of art
Due to its c. 5500 word length, I’ve split this paper into three parts. This is Part One of three (find One and Three here when they’re published). Works Cited & the full paper can be found here. While on
Part One – Part Two – Part Three Are Christians who watch Marvel movies endangering their eternal souls? What about those who watch The Lone Ranger, Merrie Melodies, or Cuties? However innocent or repulsive, these works of art were made
Due to its c. 5500 word length, I’ve split this paper into three parts. This is Part One of three (find Two and Three here when they’re published). Works Cited and the full paper can be found here. Are Christians
Welcome back to Part Two (Part One here). These criteria laid out, the six options on the table, five false and one true, can be inspected, checked to see if they live up to their judges’ high bar. Doubtless means
Since the Serpent asked Eve, “Did God actually say…?” in Genesis 3:1, evil has perpetually sought to undermine the interpretation of God’s words, of His Word. From the philosophy of Origen to the vagaries of Higher Criticism, men have assailed
You can find Part One of this article, and a lot of necessary context here. Another example (of magic that isn’t Biblically condemned) is magic which is not innate but which does not originate from an exterior supernatural creature. In
Part One Fantasy, some have said, is the gateway to devil worship, sorcery, and the occult. The assertion is not entirely unreasonable: the Bible does condemn sorcery, and fantasy literature does contain an awful lot of (positively portrayed) sorcery. The