
Who is Colson Potter?

Hello! I’m Colson Potter. I love God, my family (seven members, five siblings, all the noise), and my books, though not all of them (once you pass 1000, you have to have limits).

I enjoy all sorts of genres- fantasy, systematic theology, mystery, historical fiction, etc. You’ll probably notice their influence in my stories, especially the first two. My favorite book (after God’s Word, which rules my life insofar as God has given me the will) is The Lord of the Rings. I read it (a feat I’ve repeated a number of times), wanted more, and started writing. It took a… while for my work to be worth re-reading, let alone publishing, but in late 2022 it finally got there, so I published Why Ought I to Die?

I love to write stories which glorify God, which declare His world and show His image, distorted as it is, within man (even the pale facsimiles all literary characters must perforce be for lack of omnipotence). Writing fiction, fantasy or otherwise, is a means of what Tolkien calls ‘secondary creation’, the imitation of God’s creation, and I revel in it.

I also like worldbuilding, combat scenes (where I get to apply my slowly growing understanding of martial arts and history), and writing dialogue that simultaneously deals with human emotions and divine truth, with the characters of the story and the character of God (theology is a fascinating and ever-relevant topic).

What do I write?

I write stories, poetries, and articles. Most of the stories will be fantasy; a lot of the poems will be dark; all of the articles will at least brush with theology. You’ll find the stories here (or in the Library), the poems here, and (most of) the weekly articles here, on the blog section of this website (I do write a weekly article for another blog; you can read that here), as well as some sheet music I’ve done on the side, here.

I also write books, the first of which is currently for sale here. So far all my lengthy stories have been fantasy (with a dash of science fiction and a lot of theology), but we’ll see where God leads me.

Why Ought I to Die? is the first book in a united setting (currently unnamed) that is intended to hold a number of other stories, including my current project and several projected future stories. Some of the short stories and poems are set in this world as well (often millennia away from the book); you can find them on this tag.

Check these posts out for more: